
Tự luận

1. (Trang 23 - Tiếng anh 12): You are going to read a text about urbanisation. Predict whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

(Bạn sẽ đọc một văn bản về đô thị hóa. Dự đoán các nhận định sau đây là đúng (T) hoặc sai (F).)

1. Urbanisation happened first in more economically developed countries, then in less economically developed countries. 

2. Urbanisation has increased in rich countries since 1950s.

3. Lack of resources in rural areas is one of the factors leading to urbanisation in less developed countries.

4. The standard of living in cities and rural areas is more or less the same.

5. By 2050, more than two thirds of the world's population are expected to live in urban areas.

Bài làm:

Read more: Unit 2 lớp 12: Reading trang 23,24

Verified Answer

Đáp án:







Hướng dẫn dịch:

1. Đô thị hóa đã xảy ra đầu tiên ở các nước kinh tế phát triển hơn, sau đó ở các nước kém phát triển về kinh tế.

2. Đô thị hóa đã gia tăng ở các nước giàu có từ những năm 1950.

3. Thiếu nguồn lực ở các khu vực nông thôn là một trong những yếu tố dẫn đến đô thị hóa ở các nước kém phát triển hơn.

4. Mức sống ở các thành phố và các khu vực nông thôn ít nhiều giống nhau.

5. Đến năm 2050, hơn hai phần ba dân số thế giới sẽ sống ở các khu vực đô thị.

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Câu 3:

Tự luận

2. (Trang 23 - Tiếng anh 12): Read the text and check your predictions in 1.

(Đọc văn bản để kiểm tra những dự đoán trong phần 1.)

Urbanisation is the process by which urban areas grow bigger as more and more people leave the countryside to live in towns and cities.

Before the 1950s, urbanisation mainly occurred in more economically developed countries (MEDCs). Rapid urbanisation happened during the period of industrialisation in Europe and North America in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. A lot of people left their home villages for urban areas hoping to find jobs in the rapidly expanding industries in big towns and cities. Since 1950s urbanisation has become slower in most MEDCs. Now, some of the biggest cities are losing population because people go back to live in rural areas. This is known as counter-urbanisation.

Since 1950, urbanisation has grown rapidly in LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries) in Africa and South America. Between 1950 and 1990 while the urban population in LEDCs doubled, increase was less than half in developed countries.

There are various causes of urbanisation in LEDCs. Here are some major ones. First, people migrate to urban areas on a massive scale due to lack of resources in rural areas. Second, small farmers find it h to make a living not just because of bad we conditions such as drought, floods, or storms, because they can't compete with large agricultural companies. These are considered ‘push’ factors.People living in rural areas are also ‘pulled’ to cities, which are known to be places of financial centres, services, wealth and opportunities. Believing that standard of living in urban areas will be higher in rural areas, many people come to the city seeking their fortune.Today, about half of the world's population in urban areas. Urbanisation has provided opportunities, higher incomes and better access to health facilities and education. The urban population will continue to grow and it is expected that proportion will increase to 70% by 2050.

Bài làm:

38 18/04/2024

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