
Tự luận

1. (Trang 27 - Tiếng anh 12): Look at the two photos of Bangkok, Thailand. What aspects of city life do they show?

(Xem hai bức ảnh của Bangkok, Thái Lan. Những khía cạnh nào của cuộc sống thành phố được thể hiện?)

Bài làm:

Read more: Unit 2 lớp 12: Communication and Culture trang 27

Verified Answer

Gợi ý:

It is a fast-growing city. The first photo shows modern Bangkok with its improved infrastructure and high-rise buildings. The second one shows the other side of urbanisation, such as the growth of slums and urban poverty.

(Nó là một thành phố đang phát triển nhanh. Những hình ảnh đầu tiên cho thấy Bangkok hiện đại với cơ sở hạ tầng và các toà nhà cao tầng. Bức tranh thứ hai cho thấy mặt khác của đô thị hóa, chẳng hạn như sự gia tăng của các khu ổ chuột và đô thị nghèo.)

Related questions

Câu 2:

Tự luận

1. (Trang 27 - Tiếng anh 12): Listen to a talk about predictions for life in cities in 2050 and choose the correct option in each of the following sentences.

(Nghe cuộc nói chuyện về những dự đoán cho cuộc sống ở các thành phố trong năm 2050 và chọn tùy chọn đúng trong mỗi câu sau đây.)

Bài nghe:


1. By 2050, 50/70 per cent of the world's people will live in cities.

2. Energy, especially electricity/oil, will be very expensive.

3. Human resources/Natural resources are running out due to the excessive exploitation.

4. Many people will probably have their workplaces close to/far from where they live.

5. It will be difficult to provide enough water, gas and electricity for really big cities/the countryside.


6. Many people from the countryside will move to smaller cities/big cities.

Bài làm:

40 19/04/2024

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Câu 5:

Tự luận

2. (Trang 27 - Tiếng anh 12): Read the text about urbanisation in Bangkok. Answer the questions that follow.

(Đọc văn bản về đô thị hóa ở Bangkok. Trả lời các câu hỏi phía dưới.)

As the capital city of Thailand for over 200 years, Bangkok has an important role to play. Its growth is the world's window on the growth of Thailand. Its urbanisation rate has increased gradually over the past 50 years, bringing apparent and wide-ranging benefits to the country. These include economic, social and cultural ones. In terms of economic benefits, the national income statistics have shown that Bangkok and the surrounding areas usually generate more than 50% of the gross domestic product. Regarding the social benefits, Bangkok's inhabitants have access to better services and facilities compared to any other area of the country. Moreover, as a national centre of art and culture, Bangkok provides many opportunities and facilities for leisure and sport activities, and entertainment.

However, urbanisation has also resulted in massive problems. For example, thousands of migrants live in the modern slums surrounded by poverty, crime and drugs, and with no hope of getting a job. Traffic congestion is another big problem in the city whose road system is unable to cope with the increased number of cars.The traffic congestion combined with the large concentration of factories has severely affected the air and water quality. Despite the problems, Bangkok still continues to attract more and more migrants every year. The problems of traffic congestion, pollution and urban slums will continue to grow worse if the government does not take any measures to reduce the negative effects of urbanisation.

1. What is the role of Bangkok in Thailand?

 (Vai trò của Băng Cốc ở Thái Lan là gì?)

2. What benefits has urbanisation brought about?

 (Đô thị hóa mang lại những lợi ích gì?)

3. What problems has urbanisation caused?

 ( Đô thị hóa gây ra những vấn đề gì?)

Bài làm:

38 19/04/2024

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