
Tự luận

2 (trang 15 SBT Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success): Read the text and complete these sentences with no more than TWO words from the text. (Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành những câu này với không quá HAI từ trong văn bản.)

Bridging the generation gap

As time goes by, customs and traditions, which help shape the identity of an individual, change. That is why people belonging to different generations don't usually share the same values and beliefs. The difference in politics, culture, and other areas of life is what separates the generations and is often described as a generation gap. This can lead to frequent disagreements or even conflicts between the generations in a family. Therefore, bridging the generation gap is important. Below are some tips on how different generations in a family can connect.

First, all generations should be open to new ideas. Having more life experiences, parents often think that they know what is best for their children. However, the world is changing all the time. So parents should keep an open mind about new ideas or things that probably didn't even exist when they were growing up. For their part, children should also be willing to listen to their parents and try to learn important life lessons from them.

Second, it is important for parents and children to make time for each other every day. Poor communication or lack of it can harm the relationship between family members. They should make an effort to listen to each other. For example, start by asking your parents about how they spend their day at work. Finding some enjoyable activities that you can all do together is the best way to strengthen family bonds.

In conclusion, healthy family love can help bridge the generation gap. Parents and children love each other for who they are, no matter what they say, think, or do. Even if people might not approve of what other family members do or say, they are still family and always will be.

1. Bridging the generation gap is important to avoid ____ and conflicts between the

generations in a family.

2. Because they have more ____ parents believe they know what their children need.

3. Children should also learn important _____ from their parents.

4. The relationship between family members can suffer because of _____ or lack of it.

5. Healthy _____ means love, care, loyalty, and respect for family members, no matter

what they say, think, or do.

Bài làm:

Read more: Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 11 trang 15 Unit 2 Reading - Global Success

Verified Answer

1. disagreements

2. life experiences

3. life lessons

4. poor communication

5. family love

Giải thích:

1. Thông tin “The difference in politics, culture, and other areas of life is what separates the generations and is often described as a generation gap. This can lead to frequent disagreements or even conflicts between the generations in a family. Therefore, bridging the generation gap is important.’’

2. Thông tin “Having more life experiences, parents often think that they know what is best for their children’’

3. Thông tin “For their part, children should also be willing to listen to their parents and try to learn important life lessons from them.’’

4. Thông tin “Poor communication or lack of it can harm the relationship between family members. They should make an effort to listen to each other.’’

5. Thông tin “In conclusion, healthy family love can help bridge the generation gap. Parents and children love each other for who they are, no matter what they say, think, or do.’’

Hướng dẫn dịch:

1. Thu hẹp khoảng cách thế hệ là điều quan trọng để tránh những bất đồng và xung đột giữa các thế hệ

các thế hệ trong một gia đình.

2. Vì họ có nhiều kinh nghiệm sống nên cha mẹ tin rằng họ biết con mình cần gì.

3. Trẻ em cũng nên học những bài học quan trọng trong cuộc sống từ cha mẹ.

4. Mối quan hệ giữa các thành viên trong gia đình có thể bị ảnh hưởng vì giao tiếp kém hoặc thiếu giao tiếp.

5. Tình yêu gia đình lành mạnh có nghĩa là yêu thương, chăm sóc, trung thành và tôn trọng các thành viên trong gia đình, bất kể những gì họ nói, nghĩ, hoặc làm.

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Câu 3:

Tự luận

2 (trang 15 SBT Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success): Read the text and complete these sentences with no more than TWO words from the text. (Đọc văn bản và hoàn thành những câu này với không quá HAI từ trong văn bản.)

Bridging the generation gap

As time goes by, customs and traditions, which help shape the identity of an individual, change. That is why people belonging to different generations don't usually share the same values and beliefs. The difference in politics, culture, and other areas of life is what separates the generations and is often described as a generation gap. This can lead to frequent disagreements or even conflicts between the generations in a family. Therefore, bridging the generation gap is important. Below are some tips on how different generations in a family can connect.

First, all generations should be open to new ideas. Having more life experiences, parents often think that they know what is best for their children. However, the world is changing all the time. So parents should keep an open mind about new ideas or things that probably didn't even exist when they were growing up. For their part, children should also be willing to listen to their parents and try to learn important life lessons from them.

Second, it is important for parents and children to make time for each other every day. Poor communication or lack of it can harm the relationship between family members. They should make an effort to listen to each other. For example, start by asking your parents about how they spend their day at work. Finding some enjoyable activities that you can all do together is the best way to strengthen family bonds.

In conclusion, healthy family love can help bridge the generation gap. Parents and children love each other for who they are, no matter what they say, think, or do. Even if people might not approve of what other family members do or say, they are still family and always will be.

1. Bridging the generation gap is important to avoid ____ and conflicts between the

generations in a family.

2. Because they have more ____ parents believe they know what their children need.

3. Children should also learn important _____ from their parents.

4. The relationship between family members can suffer because of _____ or lack of it.

5. Healthy _____ means love, care, loyalty, and respect for family members, no matter

what they say, think, or do.

Bài làm:

30 03/05/2024

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