
Tự luận

2. (Trang 15 - Tiếng anh 12): Discuss the question in pairs.

(Thảo luận câu hỏi theo cặp.)

Do you think family stories should be told to children? Why or why not?

(Bạn có nghĩ rằng những câu chuyện của gia đình nên được kể cho con cái? Tại sao hoặc tại sao không?)

Bài làm:

Read more: Unit 1 lớp 12: Communication and Culture trang 15

Verified Answer

Lời giải chi tiết:

Family stories should be told to children because this is the best way to teach children about the family's history and traditions. Children will know more about their ancestors and feel strongly attached to their family. Moreover, when stories are told, everybody recalls memories of the past, which provides the best opportunity for family members to spend time together.

(Những câu chuyện gia đình nên được kể cho trẻ em bởi vì đây là cách tốt nhất để dạy trẻ về lịch sử và truyền thống của gia đình. Trẻ em sẽ biết nhiều hơn về tổ tiên của họ và cảm thấy gắn bó với gia đình của họ. Hơn nữa, khi những câu chuyện được kể, mọi người sẽ gợi nhớ những kỉ niệm trong quá khứ, điều này tạo cơ hội tốt nhất cho các thành viên trong gia đình dành thời gian bên nhau.)

Related questions

Câu 2:

Tự luận

1. (Trang 15 - Tiếng anh 12): Listen to An's story. Complete the statements about the story. Write from 1 to 3 words in each blank. 

(Nghe câu chuyện của An. Hoàn thành các nhận định về những câu chuyện. Viết 1-3 từ trong mỗi trống.)

Bài nghe:

 1. An enjoy reading books about ___________.

2. An's friends call her a ________   encyclopaedia because she can answer all their questions about ________   .

3. Sometimes she has a feeling that the people in the books she has read are ________  .

4. She spent her two months' holiday in __________.

5. To An, her grandparents were as herobic and worthy of _________ as many historical figures, and their stories were even more interesting and more _________ than those in the books she has read.

Nội dung bài nghe:

I am the only child in the family. Both my parents are doctors and they are so busy that they have very little time for me. Luckily, we have a lot of books at home and these books have become my best friends. The ones I like best are those about people's life stories. My friends joke that I'm a kind of walking encyclopaedia because I can answer - their questions about well-known historical figures such as Tran Hung Dao or Abraham Lincoln, and even influential composers like Beethoven or Mozart. However, sometimes I have a feeling that these famous people are -unreal, despite reading all the facts written about them.

Then a new world opened to me after my two months' holiday with my grandparents in the countryside. My grandfather told me his own life story. As a child, he was just a buffalo boy, and then he joined the army as a soldier to fight against the invaders. My grandmother told me how hard she had worked to bring up my father and uncles during the war, while my grandpa was away. I found their stories even more interesting and more real than those in the books I had read. To me, my grandparents were as heroic and worthy of respect as many historical figures. I have learnt lessons about love and patriotism from them.

My grandparents are my real heroes.

Bài làm:

34 18/04/2024

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Câu 4:

Tự luận

1. (Trang 15 - Tiếng anh 12):Read the text about Arthur Conan Doyle and decide whether the statements about it are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Tick the correct boxes.

(Đọc văn bản về Arthur Conan Doyle và quyết định việc các nhận định về nó là đúng (T), sai (F), hoặc không xác định (NG). Đánh dấu vào các ô đúng.)


Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle was a Scottish writer and physician. He is best known his creation of Sherlock Holmes - a brilliant London-based detective famous for his logic thinking and ability to solve difficult cases.

Born in Edinburgh in 1859 into a prosperous family, Doyle was strongly influenced by mother, who was a well-educated woman. In his early childhood, she used to tell him vivid stories which sparked his imagination. The second person who had a great impact on writing career was Dr Joseph Bell, a professor at the medical school where Doyle studied from 1876 to 1881. Dr Bell's keen powers of observation later inspired Doyle to create fictional detective character, Sherlock Holmes.

Doyle's active life provided him with vivid experiences for his stories. With a great love for adventure, he would never miss a chance to travel. He took a surgeon's position on a whaling ship sailing for the Arctic Circle. He served as a volunteer doctor in the Langman Hospital in South Africa during the War of Independence in 1900. He also acted as a war journalist during the First World War.

Doyle's writing career started during his time at medical school. After graduation, he set up his own medical practice, which was not very successful initially, so he started writing stories again while waiting for patients. He wrote 21 novels and more than 150 short stories. He also published poems, articles, memoirs and plays on various subjects.

His most well-known works are the novels and stories with Sherlock Holmes and the fantasy novel The Lost World, which were made into successful films.

Doyle died at the age of 71, after a heart attack. In his honour, a statue of him was built in Crowborough, where he lived for almost 23 years.

1. Arthur Conan Doyle's stories about Sherlock Holmes were the first detective Stories in the world.

2. The two people who had a strong influence on Doyle's writing career were his mother and Dr Joseph Beil.

3. Doyle's mother inspired him to write about Sherlock Holmes.

4. Doyle's life experiences were sources for many of his stories.

5. The Lost World and his novels and stories about Sherlock Holmes were made into films.

6. A statue of Sherlock Holmes was built in London.

Bài làm:

44 18/04/2024

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