
Tự luận

2. (Trang 34 - Tiếng anh 12): Mark the rising () or falling () intonation on the questions in the short conversations. Then practise reading the conversations aloud. (Đánh dấu tăng (↗) hoặc giảm (↘) ngữ điệu trên các câu hỏi trong các cuộc trò chuyện ngắn. Sau đó, thực hành đọc to các cuộc trò chuyện.)

1. A: Is lifelong learning limited to employees only? 

B: Not really. I think any person who has a strong desire for improving their knowledge can continue learning throughout their daily life.

2. A: What are the basic requirements for pursuing knowledge throughout life?

B: I think they are self-motivation and good planning.

3. A: In what way is lifelong learning better now than in the past?

B: I think information technology has facilitated learning a lot.

4. A: Excuse me, are there any online courses starting in November?

B: We have two courses starting on the 1st and 15th of November.

5. A: Should lifelong learners focus only on knowledge and experience necessary for work?

B: It depends on each person's learning plan.

Bài làm:

Read more: SBT Tiếng Anh 12 mới Unit 10: Pronunciation trang 34

Verified Answer

1. A: Is lifelong learning limited to employees only?  

2. A: What are the basic requirements for pursuing knowledge throughout life? 

3. A: In what way is lifelong learning better now than in the past? 

4. A: Excuse me, are there any online courses starting in November? 

5. A: Should lifelong learners focus only on knowledge and experience necessary for work? ↗

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