
Tự luận

(Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. (Đọc văn bản dưới đây và làm các bài tập phía sau.)

If you want to make your school green, think beyond your classrooms. Here are some suggestions that are all easy and simple to follow, and can make a big difference in reducing your carbon footprint and creating a sustainable community.

One of the places where both teachers and students often spend some of their time in the library. An eco-friendly reading space is likely to create a favourable impression on library users, and bring some significant educational benefits. For example, you can install energy-saving products like fans instead of air-conditioners which consume a lot of energy. You can also use biodegradable dust cloths or old T-shirts to clean the environment. In addition, to raise public awareness, allocate a clearly visible space on the noticeboard for everyday green tips like ‘Let others reuse your book’.

Sporty students may prefer to spend more time in the swimming pool than in the library. Therefore, keeping this place safe and green will also help to raise their environmental awareness. Remember that chlorinated pool water may cause red eyes and itchy skin to some people if they spend much time in the pool. An ideal alternative would be a salt-water pool, which can be naturally clean and economical. In case warm water is required, think of solar heating save the environment as one pool with gas or electric heater may emit tons of carbon dioxide each year.

Finally, focus on the school gym, which is perhaps the most interactive and exciting place for all school staff. Think of installing low-flow taps and showers to save gallons of water per minute and energy-saving lights to cut the cost of electricity. Moreover, make sure that the airflow pathways are clear and free of mould, mildew and other allergens.

Task 1. (Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Choose the best answer for each question 


(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất cho mỗi câu hỏi)

1. What do you think is the best title for the text?

A. How to make your community green.

B. Ways to raise students'awareness of being environmentally friendly.

C. How to make your school more sustainable

2. For which of these places does the writer NOT offer any green suggestions?

A. Classrooms.

B. Gymnasium. 

C. Library. 

3. Which energy-saving product is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. Fans.

B. Solar heating. 

C. Energy-efficient windows.

Task 2. (Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Find the words in the text which have the following meanings: 

(Tìm những từ trong bài có ý nghĩa như sau:)

1. that uses natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment (adj) 

2. the opinion or feeling that you have about something or someone because of the way they look (n)

3. that can be changed naturally to substances that do not harm the environment (adj)

4. knowing that something exists and is important (n)

5. a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities (n)

6. to produce something such as light, heat, sound, and gas (v)


Bài làm:

Read more: SBT Tiếng Anh 12 mới Unit 3: Reading trang 22

Verified Answer

Task 1. (Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Choose the best answer for each question 

(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất cho mỗi câu hỏi)

1. What do you think is the best title for the text? (Theo bạn câu nào là tiêu đề phù hợp nhất cho văn bản?

C. How to make your school more sustainable

Giải thích: Chủ đề của toàn bài nằm trong đoạn 1

=> Câu chủ đề là C. Làm thế nào để làm cho trường học của bạn bền vững hơn

2. For which of these places does the writer NOT offer any green suggestions?

A. Classrooms.

B. Gymnasium. 

C. Library. 

(Nơi nào tác giả KHÔNG đề nghị biện pháp xanh nào?

A. Lớp học

B. Phòng tập gym

C. Thư viện)

Giải thích:

- Dẫn chứng trong câu đầu tiên 'If you want to make your school green, think beyond your classrooms.' (Nếu bạn muốn làm cho trường học của bạn xanh, hãy nghĩ xa hơn các lớp học của bạn.)

- Biện pháp xanh trong phòng gym được đề cập trong đoạn cuối 'Finally, focus on the school gym, which is perhaps the most interactive and exciting pla for all school staff.' (Cuối cùng, tập trung vào phòng gym của trường, có lẽ là nơi tương tác nhiều và thú vị nhất cho tất cả mọi người trong nhà trường.)

- Biện pháp xanh trong thư viện được đề cập trong đoạn 2 'One of the places where both teachers and students often spend some of their time is the library.' (Một trong những nơi  mà giáo viên và học sinh thường sử dụng thời gian rảnh ở thư viện.)

3. Which energy-saving product is NOT mentioned in the text?

C. Energy-efficient windows.

(Sản phẩm tiết kiệm năng lượng nào KHÔNG được đề cập?

A. Quạt

B. Hệ thống làm nóng bằng năng lượng mặt trời

C. Cửa sổ năng lượng hiệu quả)

Giải thích:

- Quạt được đề cập trong câu 3 đoạn 2 ' For example, you can install energy-saving products like fans instead of air-conditioners which consume a lot of energy.'

- Hệ thống làm nóng bằng năng lượng mặt trời được đề cập trong câu cuối đoạn 3 'In case warm water is required, think of solar heating save the environment as one pool with gas or electric heater may emit tons of carbon dioxic each year.'

- Đáp án C không được đề cập.

Task 2. (Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Find the words in the text which have the following meanings: 

(Tìm những từ trong bài có ý nghĩa như sau:)

1. that uses natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment (adj) 

(sử dụng các sản phẩm tự nhiên và năng lượng theo cách mà không gây hại môi trường)

=> sustainable (adj): bền vững    

2. the opinion or feeling that you have about something or someone because of the way they look (n)

(ý kiến hay cảm giác mà bạn có về một cái gì đó hoặc ai đó vì bề ngoài)

=> impression (n): ấn tượng, cảm tưởng       

3. that can be changed naturally to substances that do not harm the environment (adj)

(có thể được thay đổi một cách tự nhiên với các chất mà không gây hại cho môi trường)

=> biodegradable (adj): có thể phân hủy 

4. knowing that something exists and is important (n)

(biết rằng một cái gì đó tồn tại và là quan trọng)

=>awareness (n): nhận thức   

5. a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities (n)

(một điều mà bạn có thể chọn để làm hoặc có một trong hai hoặc nhiều khả năng.)

=>  alternative (adj): lựa chọn có thể thay thế   

6. to produce something such as light, heat, sound, and gas (v)

(để sản xuất một cái gì đó như ánh sáng, nhiệt, âm thanh, và khí đốt)

=> emit (v): tỏa ra

Related questions

Câu 2:

Tự luận

(Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Read the following text and do the tasks that follow. (Đọc văn bản dưới đây và làm các bài tập phía sau.)

If you want to make your school green, think beyond your classrooms. Here are some suggestions that are all easy and simple to follow, and can make a big difference in reducing your carbon footprint and creating a sustainable community.

One of the places where both teachers and students often spend some of their time in the library. An eco-friendly reading space is likely to create a favourable impression on library users, and bring some significant educational benefits. For example, you can install energy-saving products like fans instead of air-conditioners which consume a lot of energy. You can also use biodegradable dust cloths or old T-shirts to clean the environment. In addition, to raise public awareness, allocate a clearly visible space on the noticeboard for everyday green tips like ‘Let others reuse your book’.

Sporty students may prefer to spend more time in the swimming pool than in the library. Therefore, keeping this place safe and green will also help to raise their environmental awareness. Remember that chlorinated pool water may cause red eyes and itchy skin to some people if they spend much time in the pool. An ideal alternative would be a salt-water pool, which can be naturally clean and economical. In case warm water is required, think of solar heating save the environment as one pool with gas or electric heater may emit tons of carbon dioxide each year.

Finally, focus on the school gym, which is perhaps the most interactive and exciting place for all school staff. Think of installing low-flow taps and showers to save gallons of water per minute and energy-saving lights to cut the cost of electricity. Moreover, make sure that the airflow pathways are clear and free of mould, mildew and other allergens.

Task 1. (Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Choose the best answer for each question 


(Chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất cho mỗi câu hỏi)

1. What do you think is the best title for the text?

A. How to make your community green.

B. Ways to raise students'awareness of being environmentally friendly.

C. How to make your school more sustainable

2. For which of these places does the writer NOT offer any green suggestions?

A. Classrooms.

B. Gymnasium. 

C. Library. 

3. Which energy-saving product is NOT mentioned in the text?

A. Fans.

B. Solar heating. 

C. Energy-efficient windows.

Task 2. (Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Find the words in the text which have the following meanings: 

(Tìm những từ trong bài có ý nghĩa như sau:)

1. that uses natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment (adj) 

2. the opinion or feeling that you have about something or someone because of the way they look (n)

3. that can be changed naturally to substances that do not harm the environment (adj)

4. knowing that something exists and is important (n)

5. a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities (n)

6. to produce something such as light, heat, sound, and gas (v)


Bài làm:

33 24/04/2024

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Câu 3:

Tự luận

Task 3. (Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Based on the information in the text, complete each of the following sentences with no more than six words. 


(Căn cứ vào thông tin trong văn bản, hoàn thành mỗi câu sau đây với không quá sáu chữ.)

1. The purpose of the suggested actions is not only to make schools green, but also to reduce your carbon footprint and ________.

2. In order to make your school green, apart from the classrooms, the three other places you can make green are the ________.

3. You should pay more attention to________ where students and teachers tend to spend a lot of time.

4. The aim of an effective eco-friendly library is not only to impress users, but also to provide ________.

5. The green products suggested for the school gym include ________.

Task 4. (Trang 22 - Tiếng anh 12): Based on the information in the text, decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Tick the correct box. 

(Dựa trên những thông tin trong văn bản, quyết định các nhận định sau đây là đúng (T), sai (F), hoặc không xác định (NG). Đánh dấu vào ô thích hợp.)

1. The writer claims that the suggestions are effective, simple, and easy to do.

2. Old T-shirts can be used as dust cleaners.

3. Daily tips on how to recycle books are placed on the library noticeboard.

4. A salt-water pool will cost less to maintain than a chlorinated one.

5. Solar heaters may release a large amount of CO2.

6. It's impossible to make the school gym an environmentally friendly place.


Bài làm:

30 24/04/2024

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