
Tự luận

3. (Trang 36 - Tiếng anh 12): Listen again and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Tick correct box. 

(Nghe một lần nữa và quyết định xem các nhận định là đúng (T), sai (F), hoặc không xác định (NG). Đánh dấu vào ô thích hợp.)

Bài nghe:


Bài làm:

Read more: Unit 3 lớp 12: Listening trang 36

Verified Answer

Đáp án:






1 – NG. David and Mai are in the same class.

(David và Mai học cùng lớp.)

=>  thông tin không được đề cập đến trong bài

2 – F. The students decided to start the project while they were attending science and technology classes.

(Các sinh viên đã quyết định bắt đầu dự án trong khi họ đang tham dự các lớp học khoa học và công nghệ.)

Thông tin:” in our science and enviromental studies classes, we realised that the way we live can strongly affect our enviroment.”

=>  in their science and enviromental studies classes

3 – F. The project has been going on for a week.

(Dự án đã được tiến hành được 1 tuần rồi.)

Thông tin: “Two months ago, we launched our 'ten-minute a day' mini project. ”

=>  2 weeks

4 – T. The second-hand electronics will be taken to a recycling centre.

(Các thiết bị điện tử cũ sẽ được đưa đến một trung tâm tái chế.)

Thông tin: “students bring old and broken electronics like second-hand mobile phones and MP3 players for recycling. At the end of the month, we intend to take the items to one of the electronic recycling centres in the city.”

5 – T. Students use organic fertilisers.

(Học sinh sử dụng phân bón hữu cơ.)

Thông tin: “We have also started an organic vegetable garden, so on Tuesdays, students can spend ten minutes working there, planting seeds, watering them and making sure they grow into healthy plants.”

Related questions

Câu 3:

Tự luận

2. (Trang 36 - Tiếng anh 12):  Listen to a talk show and answer the following questions.

(Nghe một cuộc trò chuyện và trả lời câu hỏi phía dưới.)

Bài nghe:


1. What is the main topic of the talk show?

(Chủ đề chính của buổi đối thoại là gì?)

2. What is the aim of the Go Green initiative?

(Mục đích của Sáng kiến xanh là gì?)

3. What does the mini-project involve?

(Dự án nhỏ bao gồm những gì?)

4. What is the host's opinion about the project?

(Quan điểm của người dẫn chương trình về sự án là gì?)

Nội dung bài nghe:

Host:  Welcome to our talk show 'Green Living'. Today, we will hear from two secondary students, David and Mai, who will talk about the Go Green initiative at their school in Cam Ranh. David, can you tell us how you came up with the idea?

David: Well, in our science and environmental studies classes, we realised that the way we live can strongly affect our environment. Since we are all passionate about environmental issues, we decided that we should do something to help our school to go green and save our planet.

Host: So what have you done so far, Mai?

Mai: Two months ago, we launched our 'ten-minute a day' mini-project. It involves sparing ten minutes in our break time for specific green activities. We wanted to start with something small and involve as many students as possible.

Host: Great! What exactly are these activities?

David: On Mondays, during the 'green ten minutes' students bring old and broken electronics like second-hand mobile phones and MP3 players for recycling. At the end of the month, we intend to take the items to one of the electronic recycling centres in the city. We have also started an organic vegetable garden, so on Tuesdays, students can spend ten minutes working there, planting seeds, watering them and making sure they grow into healthy plants. We hope we can pick and eat our own vegetables. This will teach students that organically grown vegetables are tastier and healthier since no chemicals or pesticides go into their bodies. There will be no soil pollution caused by chemical fertilisers.

Mai: On Wednesdays, we invite local environmental groups to have booths at school so students can go and talk to them during the 'Green ten minute', and ask any questions. Then on Thursdays, we check for any mould growth on the classroom furniture, especially during hot and humid weather.

Host: How about Fridays?

David: We thought the last day of the week would be a good time for a quiz to test our environmental knowledge and increase our green awareness. So each time a class prepares five quiz questions for other students t answer during the 'green ten minutes'. And we give out prizes for the best answers.

Host: Sounds fun! Thank you, Mai and David, for sharing your environmental ideas with our listeners. We hope that your mini-project will inspire more people to change their lifestyle and go green.

Bài làm:

39 20/04/2024

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