
Tự luận

4. (Trang 25 - Tiếng anh 12): Listen again and choose the best option to complete the sentences.

(Nghe một lần nữa và chọn lựa chọn đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

Bài nghe:


1. Thanks to the process of urbanisation, people from rural areas have access to ___________ jobs, education and health care.

A. better-paid

B. badly paid

C. prestigious

2. After moving to cities, rural people become less ___________.

A. traditional

B. conservative

C. progressive

3. Many people benefit from urbanisation, but not everyone has the opportunity to ___________.

A. receive a good education

B. get a high-paying salary

C. find stable employment

4. The shortage of accommodation in big cities can result in___________ with no sanitation or clean water.

A. low-cost houses

B. development of high-cost housing

C. creation of very poor areas

5. The shift of workers from agriculture to industries can lead to ___________ in food production.

A. a fall

B. a rise

C. a fluctuation  

Bài làm:

Read more: Unit 2 lớp 12: Listening trang 25

Verified Answer

Đáp án:






1. Thanks to the process of urbanisation, people from rural areas have access to better-paid jobs, education and health care.

(Nhờ quá trình đô thị hóa, người dân khu vực nông thôn được tiếp cận với công việc được trả lương cao hơn, giáo dục và chăm sóc sức khỏe tốt hơn.)

2. After moving to cities, rural people become less conservative.

(Sau khi di chuyển đến các thành phố, người dân nông thôn trở nên ít bảo thủ hơn.)

3. Many people benefit from urbanisation, but not everyone has the opportunity to find stable employment.

(Nhiều người hưởng lợi từ đô thị hóa, nhưng không phải ai cũng có cơ hội để tìm việc làm ổn định.)

4. The shortage of accommodation in big cities can result  in creation of very poor areas with no sanitation or clean water.

(Việc thiếu chỗ ở tại các thành phố lớn có thể dẫn đến tạo ra các khu rất nghèo không vệ sinh hoặc nước sạch.)

5. The shift of workers from agriculture to industries can lead to a fall in food production. 

(Việc chuyển đổi lao động từ nông nghiệp sang công nghiệp có thể dẫn đến giảm sản xuất lương thực.)

Related questions

Câu 4:

Tự luận

3. (Trang 25 - Tiếng anh 12): Listen to a talk about urbanisation and choose the best title for it.

(Nghe cuộc nói chuyện về đô thị hóa và chọn tiêu đề tốt nhất cho nó.)

Bài nghe:


A. Causes of urbanisation

(Nguyên nhân của đô thị hóa)

B. Pros and cons of urbanisation 

(Ưu điểm và nhược điểm của đô thị hóa) 

C. How to reduce the negative impact of urbanisation 

(Làm thế nào để giảm thiểu tác động tiêu cực của đô thị hóa)

Nội dung bài nghe:

Hello, everyone. Last week, we talked about the cause of urbanisation. Today, I'll discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

Urbanisation can bring about a lot of benefits. It can offer people from rural areas not only opportunities for better-paid jobs, but also access to schools, hospitals and other social services. As a result, people's overall standard of living can improve.

People in rural areas tend to be more conservative and follow old-fashioned practices like child marriage and gender discrimination. The process of urbanisation can actually change their mindset and help them to accept more progressive ideas.

However, there are also some obvious disadvantages. High rates of urbanisation can contribute to more crime in big cities. Although many people benefit, not all get the opportunity of a good and stable job. Unemployed, people are more likely to engage in robbery, kidnapping, murder and other illegal activities. Another problem caused by urbanisation is the shortage of affordable housing in big cities, which can result in growth of slums with no sanitation or drinking water. In addition, urbanisation leads to the shift of the working population from agriculture to industries. Labour shortages in rural areas are likely to result in a decrease in agricultural and food production as well.

To sum up urbanisation can bring social and health benefits; however, it also has its own drawbacks. I've only discussed some of them. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to raise them and I'll try my best to answer them.

Bài làm:

31 19/04/2024

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Câu 5:

Tự luận

4. (Trang 25 - Tiếng anh 12): Listen again and choose the best option to complete the sentences.

(Nghe một lần nữa và chọn lựa chọn đúng nhất để hoàn thành câu.)

Bài nghe:


1. Thanks to the process of urbanisation, people from rural areas have access to ___________ jobs, education and health care.

A. better-paid

B. badly paid

C. prestigious

2. After moving to cities, rural people become less ___________.

A. traditional

B. conservative

C. progressive

3. Many people benefit from urbanisation, but not everyone has the opportunity to ___________.

A. receive a good education

B. get a high-paying salary

C. find stable employment

4. The shortage of accommodation in big cities can result in___________ with no sanitation or clean water.

A. low-cost houses

B. development of high-cost housing

C. creation of very poor areas

5. The shift of workers from agriculture to industries can lead to ___________ in food production.

A. a fall

B. a rise

C. a fluctuation  

Bài làm:

36 19/04/2024

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