
Tự luận

Test yourself 1 trang 28, 29, 30 Reading

1 (trang 28 SBT Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success): Read the text and choose the best answers. (Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

Effects of the generation gap

The generation gap can create many negative consequences. Older generations often experience stress and anxiety as they fail to (29) ___ younger ones. Old people also feel no longer needed or wanted, and less (30) ____ in their abilities to use technology. Younger generations, on the other hand don't feel very (31) ___ with the traditional culture and values of their parents and grandparents. They want to make their own decisions and create their own (32) ____ without following in their parent's footsteps. They also highly (33) _____ the relationship with their peers, and peer groups play an important role in their life. They feel bad when they disappoint their parents.

29. A. understand B. protect C. control D. manage

30. A. attractive B. confident C. useful D. practical

31. A. valued B. curious C. connected D. worried

32. A. life B. idea C. job D. future

33. A. value B. understand C. create D. improve

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Read more: Giải SBT Tiếng Anh 11 Test yourself 1 - Global Success

Verified Answer

29. A

30. B

31. C

32. D

33. A

Giải thích:

29. Căn cứ vào ngữ cảnh đang nói về sự thiếu thấu hiểu giữa các thế hệ => A. understand (v): hiểu, thấu hiểu

30. tobe confident in sth: tự tin vào điều gì

31. connect with sth: kết nối với thứ gì

32. creat the future: kiến tạo tương lai

33. value (v): trân trọng thứ gì

Hướng dẫn dịch:

Khoảng cách thế hệ có thể tạo ra nhiều hệ lụy tiêu cực. Thế hệ lớn tuổi thường cảm thấy căng thẳng và lo lắng vì họ không hiểu được thế hệ trẻ. Người già cũng cảm thấy không còn cần thiết hoặc không muốn, và ít tự tin hơn vào khả năng sử dụng công nghệ của họ. Mặt khác, các thế hệ trẻ không cảm thấy gắn kết lắm với văn hóa và giá trị truyền thống của cha mẹ và ông bà họ. Họ muốn tự mình đưa ra quyết định và tạo dựng tương lai của riêng mình mà không phải theo bước chân của cha mẹ. Họ cũng đánh giá cao mối quan hệ với các đồng nghiệp của họ và các nhóm đồng đẳng đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong cuộc sống của họ. Họ cảm thấy tồi tệ khi làm cha mẹ thất vọng.

Related questions

Câu 3:

Tự luận

Test yourself 1 trang 26, 27 Vocabulary

(trang 26 SBT Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success): Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences. (Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

5. After catching the virus. she became weaker and didn't have the ____ to do any exercise.

A strength B. muscle

C. treatment D. Ingredient

6. The doctor _____ her carefully but could find nothing wrong.

A. hired B. examined

C. experimented D. taught

7. A ____ diet that includes different kinds of food can help improve your health.

A. fresh B. traditional

C. balanced D. vegetarian

8. To stay healthy, you need to ____ for at least 30 minutes a day.

A, run out B. run on

C. work on D. work out

9. The government needs to improve ____ transport in big cities to reduce car use

A public B. private

C. national D. rural

10. Smart ___ are often installed in modern buildings to turn on and off appliances

automatically and save energy

A phones B. sensors

C. objects D. cards

11. Living in the city has many benefits: however, ____ face high costs of living.

A formers B. doctors

C. city dwellers D.old generations

12. Too many ____ on the road is one of the causes of air pollution in big cities

A high-rise buildings B. skyscrapers

C. roof gardens D. private vehicles

13. I live with my ____ family consisting of three generations: my grandparents. my

parents, my sister, and I.

A. extended B. nuclear

C. single D. one-parent

14. In a(n) ____ family of only parents and children, conflicts may also happen because of lack of understanding.

A generational B. nuclear

C. extended D. childless

15. The best way to ____ the generation gap in the workplace is to respect generational differences.

A bring B. shut

C. bridge D. accept

16. Older generations who have ____ many difficulties can give us valuable life lessons.

A. lived B. earned

C. spent D. experienced

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28 03/05/2024

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Câu 4:

Tự luận

Test yourself 1 trang 27, 28 Grammar

(trang 27-28 SBT Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success): Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences. (Chọn đáp án đúng nhất để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

17. My mother has practiced yoga ___ more than ten years.

A. for B. since

C. in D. after

18. I have built up my muscles ____ I started working out.

A. for B. since

C. in D. already

19. My sister had a stomach ache, so she ____ to see the doctor last week.

A. has gone B. has been to

C. went D. goes

20. My parents have _____ bought a treadmill, so now I can walk or run on it whenever I want.

A. yet B. so far

C. since D. just

21. He ____. What's wrong with him?

A. looks so worried

C. is looking so worried

B. looks so worriedly

D. is looking so worriedly

22. My father ____ of going on a diet. He's put on weight recently.

A. thinks B. is thinking

C. thought D. has thought

23. Dr. Wison, I'm not feeling well today. I ____ a terrible headache.

A. am having B. had

C. have D. have had

24. Lan, ____ our aerobics instructor? She's become very famous.

A. are you remembering

B. were you remembering

C. will you remember

D. do you remember

25. I think you ____ talk to your parents about it. I'm sure they'll give you the best


A. should B. shouldn't

C. have to D. don't have to

26. You ____ stay out after 10 p.m. Remember to be back home by then.

A. must B. mustn't

C. should D, don't have to

27. My grandmother _____ leave school at the age of 14, so she could help her mother

with household chores.

A. must B. should

C. had to D. mustn't

28. Parents _____ compare their children with others' because their children may start

believing they are not able to perform well.

A should B. must

C. shouldn't D. don't have to

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38 03/05/2024

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Câu 6:

Tự luận

2 (trang 29-30 SBT Tiếng Anh 11 Global Success): Read the text and choose the best answers. (Đọc văn bản và chọn câu trả lời đúng nhất.)

We all know the importance of exercise as a healthy habit. But what's the best time to exercise? Research has shown that morning, afternoon, or evening workouts have their own benefits. When you work out in the morning, you burn more fat. In fact, those who start their exercise routine on an empty stomach can burn about 20 percent more body fat than those exercising later in the day. Morning exercise also helps many people sleep better at night.

Afternoon or evening workouts can also bring benefits. Remember that your temperature is the highest between 2 p.m, and 6 p.m. This temperature helps increase your muscle strength and endurance. In the afternoon or evening, your reaction time is at its quickest, while your heart rate and blood pressure are the lowest. Exercising at this time decreases your chances of injury while improving your performance. So, depending on your schedule and preferences, you can choose the best time to work out.

34. What is the text mainly about?

A. Workouts at different times and their benefits.

B. Drawbacks of afternoon workouts.

C. Advantages of evening workouts.

D. Benefits of morning workouts and injuries.

35. Which of the following is a benefit of a morning workout?

A. You put on weight.

B. You gain more body fat.

C. You have a better night's sleep.

D. You have an empty stomach.

36. The word 'endurance' in paragraph 2 means ___.

A. the ability to see problems and solve them quickly without others' support

B. the ability to continue doing something painful or difficult for a long period of time

C. the ability to work both on your own and in a group

D. the ability to live a balanced life

37. Which of the following is a benefit of an afternoon or evening workout?

A. Your body temperature is the lowest.

B. Your reaction time is slow.

C. Your heart rate and blood pressure are the highest.

D. You can avoid the risk of injury.

38. The word 'its' in paragraph 2 refers to____.

A. afternoon

C. reaction time

B. evening

D. heart rate

39. The phrase 'blood pressure in paragraph 2 means

A. a measure of the force with which blood flows through the body

B. the number of times the heart beats per minute

C. the pressure on your chest

D. the stress that can cause heart problems

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71 03/05/2024

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