Chủ đề 1 : Banking and Finance

Chủ đề 1 : Banking and Finance

accounting debit card interest rate standing order
balance denomination loan statement
bureau de change deposit mortgage tax
cash deposit ceiling overdraft transfer
checking account direct debit payee traveler’s check
clerk exchange rate remittance withdraw
currency interest savings account withdrawal


Dear Mrs. Morgan,
This letter is to 1._______ receipt of your request to cancel your monthly direct debit

  • A. recognize
  • B. acknowledge
  • C. show
  • D. realize

payment to Blake Enterprises . Please come at your earliest convenience to any branch
of Smithfords Bank, and one of our clerks will assist you in 2._______ out

  • A. holding
  • B. filling
  • C. breaking
  • D. taking

the necessary forms to authorize cancellation.
Anthony Milton,
Smithfords Bank