Chủ đề 4: OFFICE

Chủ đề 4: OFFICE

account director personnel officer seminar
accountant document photocopier stationery
administration executive profession supervisor
agenda flex-time promotion take maternity leave
conference intern résumé take sick leave
department job application secretary work nine to five



To: All staff
From: Personnel
Re: Interns
Date: May 30 th

This memo is just to remind everyone that the internship season is with us again. We
will be welcoming 10 interns from the local high school during their summer
vacation. There will be one intern in each department, for four weeks. Things
1_______ are copies of

  • A. Connected
  • B. Attached
  • C. Stuck
  • D. Joined

their résumé, for your reference. Please be friendly to them and let them know what
it is really like to work for a publishing company. Our interns were 2._______ from

  • A. Picking
  • B. Selected
  • C. Preferred
  • D. Elected

the top students at St.hadrian’s, and they are very enthusiastic about coming here.